Janelle Nelson

“Life is brutal, but it’s also beautiful… Life is brutiful.” -Glennen Doyle Melton 

I’ve come to accept that during our lives, at some point (more accurately- multiple points), things will fall apart. At these crossroads we have two options to face:

1. Let it sink and stunt us  

2. Courageously go through the messy process of healing

I would argue that there is nothing more valuable than doing deep inner work that transforms our life for the better. 

''Our wounds are often the openings into the best and most beautiful part of us." -David Richo

I consider it an absolute privilege when someone allows me to be a part of their process. My intention is to bring warmth, compassion, intuition, truth-telling and optimism to the room. My desire is to help every client reconnect to their true authenticity and be in complete alignment within their lives. I’m so grateful to those who helped me reconnect to my wholeness during my own crossroads and would be honored to help support you in yours.


Education —

B.A. Psychology 2003

M.A. Counseling 2006

Associations —



Trainings & Certifications —

  • EMDR - EMDRIA Approved Basic Training I & II (2011 & 2012)

  • EMDR -Advanced Attachment Training with

    Dr. Laurel Parnell (2022)

  • Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP) a body-oriented approach to healing trauma and stress disorders. For more information visit traumahealing.org. Level 3 certification complete in Summer of 2025.

  • How We Love/ Attachment Therapy for Couples with Milan & Kay Yerkovich (2015)

  • Motivational Interviewing (2007)

  • Somatic Training Basics (2020)

  • Breathwork Release Training (2021)